Healthy Placemaking in the Public Space in Sana'a City: A Case Study (The Main Square of Qaa Al-Olfi)


  • Mohammed Qasem A. Al-Mathhagi Graduate student, Department of Architecture, College of Engineering, University of Science and Technology, Republic of Yemen
  • Nageeb Ali A. Al-Maqtari Professor of Architecture, Department of Architecture, College of Engineering, Dhamar University, Republic of Yemen



healthy placemaking, public space, health pandemics, Qaa Al-Olfi, Sana'a city


The public space with its components (streets and public parks) occupied an important place in the history of urban design and community health, as they are the determinants and resilient elements of health within cities. Modern concepts and design methods have been developed in response to urban health pandemics, including the creation of a healthy placemaking that achieves the health of the population within the urban context; Due to the lack of applications by principles healthy placemaking in streets and public parks in Sanaa, it has negatively impacted the daily health activities of residents, The research problem is that Sanaa's streets and public parks do not have any urban design to promote the health of Yemenis in the face of the pandemics; he study object is to create guided design models for the streets and public park in the study area, which simulate the applications of  healthy placemaking to help planners provide solutions to face the spread of diseases and pandemics in urban areas, The importance of this research comes in the form of the first Yemeni urban study that deals exclusively with the issue of  healthy placemaking in the streets and public parks during of urban health pandemics. The research followed the descriptive inductive approach in studying the theoretical concepts and the practical approach in creating design models the applications of the health placemaking during health pandemics on the study area.





