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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript should be in Times New Roman font, with 12-point font size. A compressed font or any word-processing software settings that decrease the spacing between letters or words should be avoided. Line spacing between all text lines of the manuscript should be doubled. Also, double spaces should be left after the title, headings, quotations, references and figure captions.
  • Uniform margins of 2.54 cm at the top, bottom, left and right of every page should be left.
  • The line length should be 16.51 cm; and the flush-left style is activated (lines are not justified).
  • The first line of each paragraph should be indented using the (Tab) key. All the remaining lines of the manuscript should be typed to a uniform left-hand margin. The exceptions to these are the abstract, block quotations, titles and headings, table titles and notes, and figure captions.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The title page should contain the following information: the title of the manuscript, the full name of the author(s) (both in Arabic and English), the name of the affiliation/ institution, and the emails of all authors.

Author Guidelines

USTJMHS Publication Rules and Procedures

General Rules:

  • University of Science and Technology Journal for Management and Human Sciences (USTJMHS), Sana’a, Yemen publishes manuscripts in Arabic and English, in the fields of economics, administration, education and other human and social sciences. All submitted manuscripts should adhere to the following:
  1. The manuscript should contain:
  • Introduction that addresses the following:
  • Theoretical background and previous studies
  • Problem / issue of research
  • Research purpose and questions
  • Theoretical framework (if applicable)
  • Research hypotheses (if applicable)
  • Significance of research
  • Operational definition(s)
  • Research methodology and procedures
  • Results and discussion
  • Conclusions
  • Recommendations and suggestions
  1. The manuscript should be original.
  2. An academic language should be used. Drawings and Graphs, must be clear and precise.
  3. The manuscript must be typed using (OFFICE) computer program. It should be between 5000 and 7000 words or between 12 and 15 pages in font (Times New Roman), and font size (12) with single space.
  4. Tables and graphs should be placed appropriately and include captions and necessary explanations. The size of the graphs and tables should not exceed that of the paper (11 cm).
  5. Manuscript must be well-documented.
  6. Citation and references must be done - according to APA style (7th edition) - as follows:
  • For in-text citation, give the last name of the author of the cited work and the year of publication (e.g. Postman (1979) or (Postman, 1979). If the cited work has two authors, give the names of both authors followed by the year of publication (e.g. Wegener and Petty (1994) or (Wegener & Petty, 1994). If the work is by more than two authors, only use the first author’ s last name followed by “et al. ” (e.g. Kernis et al. , 1993). In case of quoting the exact words from a work, the number of page(s) should be written after the author(s) name(s) and year of publication (e.g. Wegener et al. , 1995, p. 6).
  • Each reference cited in the text must appear in the reference list and vice versa.
  • All references are to be arranged alphabetically and spaces should be left between one reference and the other.
  • References should be included in the following style:
  • When books are used as a reference:
  • Author’s full name (surname and then first name(s)).
  • Date of publication (within round brackets).
  • Book title (Italicized).
  • Edition number.
  • Place of publication.


Gradner, H. (2005). Multiple Intelligence New Horizons. New York: Basic book.   

  • When periodicals are used as a reference:
  • Author / authors’ full name.
  • Date of publication within round brackets.
  • Article title (Italicized).
  • Volume number.
  • Issue number.
  • Number of pages.


Rabiee, F. (2007). Focus-group interview and data analysis. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 60(4), 655-660.

  1. The manuscript must not have been previously published or considered for publication elsewhere.
  2. An abstract of the manuscript (150-200 words) must be submitted. The abstract should include the issue of the study, the purpose of the study, the method adopted in the study and important results and conclusions.
  3. Keywords (3-5 words) should be included below the abstract.
  4. The title of the manuscript, the abstract and the keywords must be translated from Arabic into English and vice versa based on the language of the manuscript.
  5. The journal reserves the right to print the manuscript and present it in any appropriate style.

Publication Procedures:

  1. Researches, studies and all correspondence should be sent to the following address:

Department of Scientific Research and Publication, Deanship of Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, University of Science and Technology

Box: 13064, Sana’a - Yemen

University Tel.: 00967/ 1 /1373237 Ex. 6137



  1. An electronic copy of the manuscript is to be sent to the journal address above. Manuscript cover must show authors’ names, the degree they hold, the place of work and the emails.
  2. A brief C.V must also be sent including author’s address in details, home and work telephone number and fax to facilitate necessary contact with the author.
  3. An author declaration form should be signed and submitted by the author(s).
  4. In case the manuscript has more than one author, a contribution declaration form should be submitted.
  5. If the manuscript gains initial appreciation, it will be sent to reviewers with strong credentials in the same subject area. The journal follows a blind review policy. The identities of both authors and reviewers will remain anonymous. The manuscript will be assessed in terms of its originality, scientific value, and the author’s commitment to research methodology
  6. Author is informed of journal’s decision about the submitted manuscript in two months’ time maximum.
  7. Reviewers’ comments, if any, will be sent to the author to make necessary modifications. The modified version of the paper should be returned in no more than two weeks.
  8. If the manuscript is to be published, the author(s) will be informed about date of publication and issue number in which the manuscript will be published. The manuscript which is not considered for publication shall not be returned to the author(s).
  9. Authors of the manuscript shall receive a copy of the issue of the journal that includes their manuscript.
  10. All publication rights belong to the Journal.

Publication Fees:

The journal charges the follow publication fees:

  1. One hundred and fifty US dollars ($150) for a manuscript sent from outside Yemen.
  2. Twenty thousand Yemeni riyals (20.000YR) for a manuscript sent from inside Yemen.
  3. The manuscript written by UST researchers are free of charge.

Note: Fees are nonrefundable either the manuscript for publication is accepted or not.


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.