About the Journal

Focus and Scope:

University of Science and Technology Journal for Engineering and Technology (USTJET) is an Open Access, Peer-Reviewed Journal published biyearly by the University of Science and Technology. The Journal welcomes original and high-quality articles on different aspects of science and technology. USTJET is dedicated to providing a platform for the publication of full-length papers in the following categories (but not limited to): Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Engineering, and computer science.

Publication Frequency:

USTJET is published twice a year.

Peer review process:

Peer Review:

The submitted manuscripts are carefully peer-reviewed by a panel of scholars in the subspecialties of a field to ensure that the manuscripts are original, valid, and significant. Before sending the manuscripts to the reviewers, the editor makes sure that these manuscripts contribute significantly to the content area of the journal, follow USTJET’s guidelines and they are well-written (clear & concise).

USTJET adopts a double blind/ masked review. The identities of both authors and reviewers are not revealed to one another. Reviewers are requested to review a manuscript within two weeks. The author is noted about the status of the manuscript within three weeks from the submission. The author may communicate with the editor if no feedback has been received for a month.

Manuscript acceptance, rejection or acceptance with revision:

The editor decides whether the manuscript is accepted, rejected or needs to be revised based on the reviewers’ reports.

Manuscript acceptance: Accepted manuscripts will undergo copy-editing and production phases of publication process. The authors will not be allowed to make further changes to the manuscript except for those recommended by the copyeditors. The authors remain responsible for the completion of any amendments required by USTJET.

Manuscript Rejection: A manuscript is rejected if it falls outside the domain of the journal, has serious defects in design, methodology, analysis or interpretations, lack of contribution to the field, or has a low-quality.

Manuscript acceptance with revision:

A manuscript may be conditionally accepted. This takes place when the manuscript has a high potential for final acceptance and publication in the journal, and the author adheres to all the essential modifications required by the journal (e.g. gathering essential data, conducting new experiments, reanalyzing the data, etc.). The author has to attend to the editor’s recommendations for revision. The revised manuscript should be resubmitted with an enclosed cover letter that contains a table explaining in detail how and where (in the manuscript) amendments have been done based on the reviewers’ comments.

Publication Ethics:

The USTJET complies with the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) to promote the integrity of its published articles. The USTJET considers the following topics during the publishing process:

  • Originality & Source Acknowledgement: The USTJET scans all submitted manuscripts before the peer reviewing process using Turnitin®. The USTJET is zero-tolerant to plagiarism, self-plagiarism, copyright infringement, dual publication, text recycling and salami slicing. When any of these is identified after publishing, an announcement of retraction of the published material is highlighted in the journal's website. The authors are asked for providing appropriate references for published/unpublished cited texts. The corresponding author should confirm that the submission has not been previously published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
  • Research Misconduct: The USTJET editorial team struggles to counter any possibility for data fabrication, manipulation and falsification. In case of suspected misconduct, the USTJET editors act in accordance to the COPE guidelines with this respect.
  • Conflicts of interest: Authors should disclose potential conflicts of interest and indicate financial agreements or affiliations with any product or services used in the manuscript (as well as any potential bias against another product or service).
    • Authors: Authors should disclose (in an author note) activities and relationships that if known to others might be viewed as a conflict of interest, even if the authors do not believe that any conflict or bias exists ( e.g. an author has his own stock in a company that manufactures a drug used in his study).
    • Reviewers: Reviewers should also reveal their potential conflicts of interest (if any) to the action editor. They have an ethical obligation to be open and fair in assessing a manuscript without bias. They should not review a manuscript from a colleague or collaborator, a close personal friend, or a recent student. Reviewers have an obligation to maintain the confidentiality of a manuscript. They should not discuss the manuscript with other individuals.
  • Using materials under copyrights: The author should obtain letters of permission from copyright holders to reproduce (or adapt) copyrighted material and enclose copies of these letters with the accepted manuscript. Examples of material that require permission include reprinted figures and tables, tests and scale items, questionnaires, vignettes, etc.

Correction noticesIf an error is detected in the published manuscript, the author can submit a proposed correction notice to the journal’s editor. The notice should indicate the full title of the journal, the year of publication, the volume no., issue no., and the page nos. of the article, the precise location of the error(s) (e.g. page, line, column, exact quotation of the error, or paraphrasing of lengthy errors).

Publication Fees:

USTJET does not require any article processing charges or any article submission charges.


USTJET is sponsored by University of Science and Technology.