About the Journal

The UST Journal for Medical Sciences is a peer-reviewed journal officially published by the Medical Faculties of the University of Science and Technology, Sana’a, Yemen. The journal supports open-access publishing, and accepted articles are published online soon after acceptance. A volume is issued once a year in print.

Scope & Aim

The UST Journal for Medical Sciences publishes articles of various types in the biomedical and health fields, including original articles, short communications, reviews and case reports. Accepted articles include, but are not limited to, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, laboratory medicine, medical technology and public health. The journal encourages the publication of high-quality manuscripts from basic, applied and clinical disciplines with novelty and relevance to readers in biomedical and health specialties. The journal welcomes manuscripts with local, regional or international concerns.    


The UST Journal for Medical Sciences is sponsored by the University of Science & Technology – Sana’a – Yemen and does not charge fees for processing, editing and publishing services.

Journal Indexing

The UST Journal for Medical Sciences is indexed on many platforms and databases, including the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and Google Scholar. A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) via Crossref is assigned to published articles.

Publishing Policies & Ethics

Publishing Policies

Editorial Policy

The UST Journal for Medical Sciences strictly adheres to the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) for conducting, reporting and publishing scientific work. The recommendations are available at https://www.icmje.org/. The journal requests that clinical trials be pre-registered with an appropriate clinical trial registry, such as ClinicalTrials.gov and the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform, before submission. Authors should provide a registration number of the trial with the submitted manuscript.  For systematic reviews and meta-analyses, the journal requests a prior registration of the study protocol in an appropriate international database such as PROSPERO.

Peer Review Policy

The UST Journal for Medical Sciences follows double-blind peer reviewing. Manuscripts are submitted anonymously to peer reviewers, and only members of the Editorial Board know the names and affiliations of author(s).

Peer Review Policy

The UST Journal for Medical Sciences follows double-blind peer reviewing. Manuscripts are submitted anonymously to peer reviewers, and only members of the Editorial Board know the names and affiliations of author(s).


The UST Journal for Medical Sciences utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.

Publishing Ethics

The UST Journal for Medical Sciences adheres strictly to the guidelines and recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) to achieve the highest standards in publishing ethics. The journal is committed to ensure the ethical integrity of published articles and to address potential pre- and post-publication misconduct. The COPE recommendations are available at https://publicationethics.org/.

The UST Journal for Medical Sciences requests the authors to provide evidence of ethical approval by an institutional ethics committee. A statement about obtaining informed consent and/or assent of study subjects should also be provided. The journal requires compliance with the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki, World Medical Association for studies on Human and animals where applicable.

The UST Journal for Medical Sciences requests authors to comply with the ARRIVE (Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments) guidelines for animal studies.

Originality Check

The UST Journal for Medical Sciences uses Turnitin® to screen all submitted manuscripts for all forms potential plagiarism and copyright infringement before proceeding to peer-review process. Manuscripts with any form of plagiarism, including self-plagiarism and salami-slicing, are rejected based on an editorial decision.

The UST Journal for Medical Sciences asks the corresponding author to confirm that the submission has not been previously published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere to avoid duplicate publication. The journal also requests that published or unpublished work should be appropriately cited. Correct referencing and source acknowledgement are the sole responsibility of author(s).

The UST Journal for Medical Sciences adopts a zero-tolerance policy regarding plagiarism, duplicate publication and copyright infringement. If any of these is detected after publication, a retraction notice of the respective article will be highlighted on the journal's website.

The UST Journal for Medical Sciences considers image manipulation that affects the originality and reality of the image unacceptable and unethical. The journal adheres to the guidelines of the Council of Science Editors (CSE) which state that “No specific feature within an image may be enhanced, obscured, moved, removed, or introduced.”

Authorship Criteria

The UST Journal for Medical Sciences requires adherence to the IJCME-recommended authorship criteria to define the roles and responsibilities of authors and contributors. Such roles should be listed under the section “Authors’ Contributions” in the submitted manuscript.


The UST Journal for Medical Sciences requests authors to acknowledge the contributions of those who do not qualify for authorship after obtaining their permission.

Funding & Conflict of Interests

The UST Journal for Medical Sciences requests authors to disclose any funding sources and/or conflicts of interest related to their research, including any financial support or relationships with companies providing products or services that may affect study objectivity.